Bristol County Beekeepers Association
2025 Beginner’s Beekeeping Course
Tuesday evenings 7:00 – 9:00
February 4 – April 1, 2025
This is the course you should take if you are thinking about keeping bees, or if you have tried beekeeping and want to learn more about it or if you are just curious about bees!
The cost is $50 which includes lectures, handouts and a 1-year membership to Bristol County Beekeepers Association. Please note that the membership is for an individual, entitled to one vote at club meetings.
Subjects will include the biology of honeybees, how to acquire your first bees, buying or building a beehive, plants for the bees, diseases and how to treat them, and queens. Colony management and a review of what to do during the four seasons will give you an idea of what is involved.
There will be lots of time for questions and answers, and a chance to talk to people who have just started as well as veterans with 100 hives who can talk about tons of honey.
Classes are held on Tuesdays evening, from 7 to 9 pm with a 15 minute break.
There will be a general membership monthly meeting held during the course that students (as new members) are encouraged to attend.
Classes are scheduled to end on April 1st with the exception of a continued education class in September. If there are cancellations, Bee School will be pushed back a week. A makeup day is scheduled for April 8th, if needed.
All classes are scheduled to be held in person:
Bristol Aggie - Student Commons in Building 14
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