A great event for beekeepers and their families
"Featured Fun":
Spring Hive Opening with MA Inspector, Paul Tessier and club member, Craig Brown (bring protective gear)
Informational Table
Delicious Buffet Lunch and time to talk about bees with other club members
Amazing Raffle with over 20 bee themed prizes and the very popular "Box Full of Scratch Tickets"
"Have Some Fun with Small Hives: 2 and 4 Frame Nucs" Bill Mackintosh, Club BOD member, will offer tips and insights on this topic in the afternoon.
Games and other fun activities
Please bring:
Your favorite honey dessert for the contest
Protective gear for hive opening
SCRATCH TICKET(s) for the raffle
Cash/credit card for raffle and merchandise
Adults: $10 Children: Free
Bristol County Beekeepers Association, Inc. is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 286, North Dighton, MA 02764