Our October meeting will take place 7-9 pm on Tuesday, October 8.
We will meet in the Cafeteria in Building 14 (download campus map)
Join the Bristol Community Beekeepers Association for a special presentation:
Old Comb and Toxic Chemical Interactions In Our Colonies An overview on how the physical properties of old comb and the synergistic interactions of the chemicals present in old comb can severely impact our colonies. --------------------------------------
Old Comb and Toxic Chemical Interactions In Our Colonies
An overview on how the physical properties of old comb and the synergistic interactions of the chemicals present in old comb can severely impact our colonies.
Guest Speaker: Bob Binnie
Bob Binnie is a commercial beekeeper and honey packer located in the southern Appalachian Mountains of northeast Georgia and for over thirty years has been doing business under the name of Blue Ridge Honey Company in Lakemont, Georgia.
Bob initially became involved with migratory commercial beekeeping in Oregon in 1981 and due to operating as both a pollinator and honey producer has managed bees in nine states.
Voted 2003 Beekeeper of The Year in Georgia, Bob has also been President of the Georgia Beekeepers Association, the Northeast Georgia Beekeepers Association and the Macon County Beekeepers Association in Franklin, North Carolina.
Check out Bob's helpful YouTube Channel
This event is free for members of Bristol County Beekeepers Association.
Non-members are welcome to join this event for a $10 fee or to become a member for only $20/year.
Download a flyer to share with your beekeeping friends
Bristol County Beekeepers Association, Inc. is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 286, North Dighton, MA 02764