bristol county beekeepers associationWe Collaborate & Educate to Preserve the Future of Honeybees | Member Sign In |
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Watch Buzz Line November 2024:
- Frame management: Recycle darkest frames to outer parts before winter; organize frames strategically
- Winter hive prep: No upper entrance, insulate top, tilt hive forward ~2-3 degrees
- Feeding: 2:1 sugar water until temps consistently below 50°F; stop when bees refuse
- Continuous learning: Beekeeping requires constant adaptation; practices evolve over time
Watch Buzz Line September 2024 with guest panelists: James DeTerra and Bill Mackintosh
Watch: Buzz Line August 2024 with guest panelists, Ed Lowe, James DeTerra, and Bill Mackintosh
- Methods for Controlling Small Hive Beetles
- Queen Excluders and Their Use
- Moving Hives and Swarm Management
- Managing queenless swarms and the best practices for capturing and managing them.
- Harvesting Fall Honey and Broken Frames
Watch: Buzz Line July 2024 with guest panelists: Charlene Mello, Ed Lowe, and Tim Cummings
- Bee sting potency and reactions
- Dealing with aggressive bees
- Cleaning and storing beekeeping gear
- Optimizing honey supers
Watch: Buzz Line June 2024 with guest panelists, Amy Tessier, Bill Mackintosh, and Tim Cummings.
- Timing for hive splits and requeening is critical - aim for around Mother's Day when bees are building up after winter
- Monitor hives closely after splits/requeening for signs of new queen acceptance
- Use drone brood frames as a natural mite treatment method
- Follow product labels carefully when using mite treatments like formic acid
- Consider raising your own queens to ensure quality stock and save money
- An extractor with a motor is highly recommended for efficient honey harvesting